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Given the widespread denial of any concept of sin, confession can be a difficult area for the unchurched in particular. Using video to help people prepare for confession and to help them express their desire for change and forgiveness can be really helpful. Sometimes we need some stimulus, something to challenge us, before we are prepared to acknowledge and confess our sins. I have used videos from Tearfund for this. They have made a number of very effective short films, especially on issues such as famine, climate change and HIV/AIDS. I've also come across a number of good movies which are worth looking:

Moby's Why Does My Heart Feel So Sad? is the basis for a lengthy (7'05) penitential video from Simon Rundell. Good preparation for confession.

Even longer is my Gorecki Meditation (10'18) which uses powerful images and Gorecki's haunting third symphony. It's deliberately cut very slow.

Confession (5'10), a video from Christ Church, Gypsy Hill, is set to Muse's Sing for Absolution. It is simple and mainly text-based but quite effective with words based on Matthew 25:42-44.

Kneed Forgiveness (10'12) from Simon Rundell features a spoken meditation and confession over pictures of hands kneading dough.

Confession and Forgiveness (4'00) by Elcaymnet is a poignant reflection on confession and the sense of not being alone and being restored to beauty. Just a series of PostIt notes on a bathroom wall and the music of Mad World by Donny Darko.

Advent Confession (3'32) from Simon Rundell is gentle with some challenging and engaging words.